Your Resource For
Employee Benefits and More

Let Us Be Your Resource for Ways to...

* enrich your benefits package, 

* offset high deductible health plans,

* attract and retain top talent, 

* ensure your employees are protected when (not if) they're hit with unexpected accidents or illnesses. 

We're located in South Florida but licensed in FL, GA, TX, VA, NY, WV, MD, PA, and CA. It would be my privilege to learn what you have in place and share how we can enhance your employee benefits package.

You can rely on our experience and expertise to craft a robust retention package for your employees. Yes, you can have "big company benefits" to offer your employees making it easier to attract and retain top talent, and keep them healthy and on the job.

Who We Serve

Business owners with at least 5 benefits-eligible employees. If you are looking for ways to enhance benefits while reducing benefits and payroll expenses, you can rely on us to make that happen. 

Our clients are not required to change from their existing benefits or their existing group health broker! Some clients, however, are looking to re-tool their benefits program, and others may be offering benefits for the very first time.

If you are looking for ways to reduce expenses, contact us. If you are having trouble hiring quality employees, or are experiencing higher than expected turnover, we can help. 

Our clients don't get a one-size-fits-all solution. We customize our solutions according to the needs of your business and employees. The first step in all of our relationships is learning about your business and what's important to you, that's it.

Individuals who want more control over their health care. Individuals and families who do not have benefits through their employer can get customizable coverage and save considerably on premiums.

Is this a fit for you? Find out in less than 15 minutes.
To learn more about our benefits and our process, you can CLICK HERE.

How We Help Employers

While we help businesses in a number of ways, reducing expenses is the name of the game. In most cases, we reduce expenses by eliminating them rather than replacing them. 

We commit to each of our client partners that we will conduct one-on-one benefit counseling sessions annually with every employee to explain how their benefits work, how they might work together or why they don't, and assist them in customizing their benefits based on their own or family's specific needs.

With group medical premiums on the rise, employers are forced to offer higher deductible plans just to keep premiums affordable. Higher deductible plans could put the employees on the hook for thousands of dollars of unexpected health care expenses. Colonial Life plans help fill in those gaps and are the only plans that actually put money back into employees' pockets, helping them avoid tapping into retirement funds or declaring bankruptcy.

We approach our client relationships with longevity in mind and endeavor to provide value year after year.

To learn more about our benefits and our process, CLICK HERE.

How We Help Employees

Medical, Dental,and Vision insurance requires you pay out-of-pocket expenses in almost every case, because they exist to ensure the providers (doctors, dentists, hospitals, etc.) get paid. 

Our plans put money BACK into your pocket! 

By offering our affordable supplemental plans in conjunction with employer-sponsored major medical insurance, employees are able to customize their coverage based on their family's specific needs. For some employers, we can offer complementary services at no cost to either employer or employee, such as telemedicine, identity theft protection, charitable contributions, student loan repayment programs, legal services, etc. (Conditions apply.) Please see the "Services" section for a more detailed listing of the plans we offer. 

Our plans are very affordable and provide invaluable protection. On average, employees pay about 1 to 2 hours' pay each week for these benefits.

To learn more about our benefits and our process, you can CLICK HERE.

Articles Worth Reading...

Some of our clients:

Accolades and Memberships...

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How U.S. Health Care Really Works 

...but it doesn't have to...